Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Overlapping Circles

As I wrote my last post I was thinking about how many children have trouble getting their paintbrush to do what they want. Next year I am going to do a lesson demonstrating how you can drag your brush along a line to make the line straight or curved and how turning your arm or hand and the brush can help in that effort. So, let my playtime begin...
The steps for this are the same as for my last post with squares.(here)

I think I like the finished composition on the "squares" better than this, although I could envision using this technique with snowballs to make snow people during the winter months. Hmmm. Have to think about it some more.


  1. I think this is a great idea! In my kinder classes we trace circles and practice coloring them in. Sounds sort of silly, but a lot of them needed help coloring around a curve. This project will fit right in with the one i do!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. It doesn't sound silly at all - I have older kids who still have trouble knowing what to do with curves!!

  3. I often have students do outlining on paintings, with black paint or colors depending on the project. I do it not so much because I'm infatuated with outlines, but because it teaches them the brush control and also simply knowing how much paint/water need to be in a brush to pull out a smooth line. Sometimes I think this is a challenge for us art teachers - we have all these wild and crazy ideas, but controlling a paintbrush or knowing how hard to press down with a colored pencil,etc are all things that just are natural and automatic for us. It's hard to realize that it isn't the case for most of our students.
