We are welcoming the new year with line patterns that start with black and white on a small area and then extend out onto the background board and burst into color. This is a great opportunity to revisit the idea of pattern in art as well as use color systems based on the color wheel.
This piece is using the basic 6 colors of the color wheel and then mixing tertiary colors for the extra spaces. |
The first version of this project is for older students. They draw a geometric shape and then add sides and glue tabs: (a simpler version for primary grades is illustrated below if you scroll down aways)
Next, students create different patterned lines that begin and end on an edge. In other words, no ending your line somewhere in the middle of the shape. This could be done with permanent marker or crayon, although I prefer crayon when we get to extending the lines onto the background because the crayon acts as a barrier to stop watercolor running from area to area.
Students carefully fold their flaps and glue onto a background board:
They could opt to glue more than one shape on a board depending on time constraints.
Then it is time to extend the lines onto the background board.
This color was added using watercolors, although any media would work.
I really like the contrast of leaving the original geometric shape black and white, but you could always add color to it also. |
For students who are younger or unable to manage drawing and cutting the flaps, here are two easier options:
1. Have students draw a simple geometric shape on card stock -- no sides or glue tabs necessary. After drawing their patterned lines they can cut out small squares of foamcore and glue them on the corners of the back of their shape (with one in the center for support) and position it on the background board. For this option, I think it is easier to do the painting before gluing the lined geometric shape in place so they can get their brush to the underneath spaces with greater ease.
This is done with watercolor markers (Crayola) brushed with clear water to give the appearance of paint.
2. Another easier option is to create a shape with tabs on only two opposite sides. The example below is in progress and has not yet been painted, but you get the idea:))