I have long thought of making a set of texture boards for rubbings and/or printmaking.
Today I got around to starting the project. I cut up some foam core board and started rummaging around for stuff to add texture to them.
Strips of cut file folders |
After making 5 or 6, I got to thinking about the wisdom of this approach. Why should I be the one thinking about texture and repetition instead of the kids. So, Plan B is to pre-cut the foam core boards, assemble a collection of stuff that I have at school (staples, string, yarn, glue, etc.) and have each student make one texture board that will become a part of a class set to be used in their classroom. I'll have a small set of extras on my art cart. YIKES!! There, I said it again. I really will be teaching art from an old audio visual cart in the regular classrooms this year.
After the texture boards are done students will use them for the background of a collage that emphasizes repetition, value, contour lines and the use of text in art.
While each texture board represents repetition in some way, I would also like students to think of repetition (of texture, line, color, etc) in their overall composition, too.
When the background is completed, kids will collage text and pictures as well as adding detail with pen. The example below also has some shaded crayon drawings to cut and glue on. I'd like to have that element to help focus on value.
An added step might be to cut out the entire piece and glue it on a dark background board to frame it.